In Loving Memory
For the Fallen
Laurence Binyon (Written in 1914) They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. A-B-C
Aaron Aamot Arne Aho Gerry Andal Bader Brian Chetwood Baker Edgar Martin Barcom Benjamin Beeksvoort Christopher Bell Kevin Dean Bell Justin V. Benguerel Yvonne Bengurel Lynette Marie Bilbro James A. Bilbro, Jr. USN, WWII Lt. Richard C. Bilbro, USCG (Ret.) James S. Black William Bland Richard E. Boehrnsen Robert Bogatay Hersheal Boushey Patricia Boushey Lt. Glenn Brand Janet Stout Brand, WWII Navy Nurse Grover Brown Mary Lou Bureson Vernon "Skip" Bussing Capt. Corky Busch Gloria Cahill SMSGT John J. Carroll, US Army & US Air Force, 1943-1947, 1949-1972 Harold Campbell Joseph Canale Curt H. Carlson, USN Cpl. James. M. Cavanaugh Robert Cooper Rod Cowee Maj. David E. Cox, USMC |
Kenneth M. Davis, USMC Edward Davenport Ernest A. Dirkes William Drummond, Rn, MN George L. Dusenberry Candy Rose Egan Lt. Col Terrence M. Egan Gary W. Eldridge, US Army Vietnam Weston Eldridge Harold R. Emerson, Lt Col, USAF (Ret.) Roger D. Erickson Matteo Fioretti E. Fitzpatrick Wally Fransz Agnes Fuller M. Garmbeck Trent Garner Robert Gibbs, Ltc, Army Tami Goff Tom and Steve Richard Goff Lois Grasmick Capt. Ted Griffin Sharon Griffith Bob Hall Mary Hampton BR Hanbey Perry Dell Riley Hansen Diana Hardtke Captain David F. Harris, by his loving parents Tom & Susan Harris Richard Hassell Mike Heenan Manville Heisel Dennis Hennigar Cranston Hibler Thomas J. Hines Calvin C. Hodgson Thomas Jay Homan Roosevelt Humphrey Paul Hundley |
Mario F. Iafrate SSG Scott A. Jenkins Ryan Jeschke Britta Johnson Jack E. Jones RV Keet Jean Kellogg Lyle Keyes Don Kihn Marv Kleven Nick Kloze Nila Kloze Deborah Robins Knopf Ronald Koester Allan Kuhlman Lars Larson Frank Laubach Michael Lee Barbara Lester Sgt. Joel W. Lewis, SSG Vincenzo Romeo, Sgt. Jason Harkins, Cpl. Anthony Bradshaw, Cpl. Matthew Alexander and Cpl. Michael Pursel - KIA, 5/6/07 Iraq, 3-2 SBCT JBLM Morgan Charles Lindberg Ray A. Longwell Brendan Looney Samuel E. Lund Randall Lyman |
John MacKinnon Eugenie Madden William T. Malcomb Travis Manion Frankie Manning Matthew Manoukian David Markwide Jeff Martin Laurel Martinsen Mary G. Mason Michael Mason Ted & Alice Mason Steve McFadden Laura McPhearson Louis Michalski Louis Michalski, Jr William James Miles, Ret. Col, USAF E. Miller Ted Misselwitz Sky Mole Jim Myers Eddie Nagai Thomas Newton Howard Patterson Tim Pentecost Larry A. Phelps Uncle Bill Pilkington Roseanna Preston Frank Pritchett Lester Prewitt, USMC, WWII |
Michael A. Rimar, WWII Navy Cpl. Steven Rintamaki, USMC Steven Rolfs Cpl. Steven Rintamaki, USMC Steven Rolfs Jodi Sampson Jack Sappenfield Shawn B. Scanlon Tony Schinner Kay Schmidt Lt. Col. Kevin Shea Harvey Schulz Dennis D. Schultz Bernard J. Skahill, USN Arda "Bud" Smith, Jr. Charles Smith Emmett Smith Michael D. Smith Will Stacy Rita Sterry Walter Sturm Russell Snook Walter Sokol Russell R. Stark Rita Sterry Chad R. Stiteler Jerry Strang Wallace Sundquist |
Louis Thom Brian Tingle, USN Kirk Tostenrude Carrie Toth David L. Tweten Virgil Ungherini Dennis Vance Harold L. Van Nortwick George Voller Tom Vollmer David A. Waite Richard Walden Harold Wanamaker John C. Warren Robert Weilbacher B. Whidden William E. Whitney, Jr. Thomas WIllford Eugene "Gene" Williams Col. Russell F. Williams Michael Wolfe Zogut All Former POW Greg, our son Vernon, our brother |
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